Rising Film & Falling Film Evaporator Pilot plant

Rising Film & Falling Film Evaporator Pilot plant Description

Our Rising Film & Falling Film Evaporator Set-up Pilot Plant is the ideal solution for companies looking to test the performance of evaporator technology before committing to a larger investment. This skid-mounted unit is compact, taking up only 0.5 square meters of space, and is suitable for a feed rate of 10-20 liters per hour. The evaporator can be heated by hot water or steam, with a maximum temperature of 200 degrees Celsius and a minimum pressure of 1 mbar, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. The evaporator is designed with a low residence time and can achieve high recovery rates of solvent using an external condenser. Additionally, it is suitable for heat-sensitive products, and the unit is constructed with stainless steel. By testing the effectiveness of the technology in our pilot plant, you can have the confidence to make an informed decision about a larger investment.

  • In chemical and processing plants, the evaporator can be used to separate and purify liquids, as well as to concentrate liquid solutions. This makes it ideal for applications such as separating solvents from chemical reactions, purifying and recovering solvents, and concentrating liquid solutions for downstream processing.
  • In the food and pharmaceutical industry, the evaporator can be used for applications such as concentrating fruit juice, removing water from food products, and purifying and recovering solvents used in the production of food and pharmaceutical products.
  • The evaporator can also be used for solvent recovery, which involves the separation and purification of solvents for reuse. This is a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly solution that can help companies reduce their solvent consumption and disposal costs.
  • The evaporator is also suitable for heat-sensitive products, as it can operate at very low pressures and temperatures. This makes it ideal for applications such as the concentration of heat-sensitive biological products, such as proteins and enzymes.
  • Finally, the evaporator is also suitable for R&D, pilot plant and lab scale-up applications. This is because it offers a cost-effective and efficient solution for testing and scaling up liquid separation and concentration processes before committing to a larger investment.
  • Occupies just 0.5 m2 area
  • Suitable for a feed rate of 10-20 lit/hr
  • Heating by hot water or steam up to 200°C
  • Achievable pressure down to 1 mbar
  • Very low residence time Required recovery of the solvent can be achieved with external condenser
  • Suitable heat sensitive product
  • MOC stainless steel

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